About this newsletter

Oh, hello there fellow fan of plain English!

I'm Iain Broome and Plain English Weekly is an email newsletter for people who want to ditch the jargon and write clear, accessible content.

Every week, I send five fantastic links straight to your inbox. Each email includes advice, tools, and resources on how to:

  • write in clear language
  • create accessible, inclusive content
  • understand your audience

And this is just the beginning. Though we start with this humble newsletter, I know there are lots of you who also believe plain English makes all products and services better. That writing clearly makes life easier for everyone.

So I have grand plans for this website. Over time, I want to add an online course, useful guides, handy templates and, if you're interested, some kind of community.

The best way to get updates on all of that?

Read past issues

About me

I've been a freelance content designer and copywriter since 2017. Before that, I worked at a couple of excellent design agencies on all sorts of projects for all sorts of fancy clients. You can read the full shebang on LinkedIn.

Most importantly, plain English has been part of my working life for 20 years. I've written an enormous amount of content for public and private sector organisations. And I really think that writing clearly is a skill that almost anyone can learn.

You can read about my freelance work or visit my personal website, which is more about my other life as a published author. Actually, if you write fiction too, you might enjoy Draft Mode, my newsletter for creative writers.